

VOCALOID is a voice synthesizing software released in 2004 and developed by Yamaha Corporation. You make a melody and type lyrics/'speech' and it sings for you!
Vocaloid is both the name of the program, and the term used for the avatars each voicebank is released as (avatars as in the singer, like Miku)
that being said, there are a lot of other vocal synthesizers out there by different names with their own voicebanks. sometimes they can get tossed under the name vocaloid which can be confusing lol (umbrella term you can use is just vocal synth. that's what they all are). this page is mostly for yamaha's vocaloid software specifically, but I might mention or make other pages for UTAU and other things eventually since I love those too

It wouldn't shock me if I'd actually seen vocaloid media before this but as far as I know, I was introduced to vocaloid in 2013 through Giga-P's arrangement of Electric Angel. I thought the MV was cool and I was obsessed with Len's vocals lol. after that I just listened to more over time starting with songs like Meltdown, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder, Ten-Faced, etc. this would become the first interest of mine my brain gave 100% of it's attention to and would encompass all of my music taste for YEARS and still does. vocaloid's probably the one thing I'm incredibly passionate about next to art; I spend most hours of every day listening to vocaloid it's such a huge part of my life. I think what's so nice about it to me is the use of the same characters for tons of different genres and stories. I can find something totally new and unique, but find familiarity in the voices used, and I like things that way. each voicebank is like a friend that I've known for years my cool family in my computer.
honestly because I grew up so involved with early vocaloid stuff I'm kind of biased towards it. I prefer older songs and covers that don't have the best audio quality and voicebanks that haven't been updated in ages (or just their older versions) LOL. and how common fan mvs were aahhhhh I love clicking around reupload channels that haven't posted in a decade and finding songs I heard years ago and forgot about, or just finding stuff I had never seen and watching old mmds and talkloid stuff. it's fun! I do still enjoy a lot of newer vocal synth work too though.
not a comprehensive list I like a lot. if you want a really long list you can see my youtube playlist here (organized by video upload date, currently at 1k+ songs)


KAITO's been my favorite vocaloid since middle school I love him soo much. I absolutely adore this guy.. it can be hard to find music where he's tuned especially well but when he is (and honestly even when he isn't) I find his voice VERY pretty, I think. I just love hearing it idk it makes me smile it makes me happy. and I just think he's cute, honestly. I can't claim to be number 1 KAITO fan though because his voice provider Naoto Fuuga holds that title forever.
Favorite Modules: Diamond Dust, Requiem, Cyber Cat

I also love Rin and Len a lot, they are dear to me :) they were the first vocaloids I ever heard and were my absolute favorites for a while
Favorite Rin Modules: Astray, Asymmetric R, Raspberry Fox, Heat Haze
Favorite Len Modules: Receiver, Eraser, Ice Fog, Indigo Fox

OTHER VOCALOIDS I REALLY LIKE INCLUDE: MEIKO, Gakupo, GUMI, VY2, Nekomura Iroha, Hiyama Kiyoteru, Utatane Piko, YOHIOloid, MAIKA
OTHER VOCAL SYNTHS I LIKE: (UTAU): Kasane Teto, Yokune Ruko, Margaret Samsa, Keitai Hakken, Matsudappoiyo (SYNTHV): Kevin, Asterian, Eleanor Forte